Frequently asked questions

1. Content of the kit, purchase, and price

A medical prescription is not required, although it is essential the interpretation by a trained specialist from our network of professionals indicated within our medical panel.

You can acquire the kits online in the products. section of the website. They are also available in pharmacies, clinics, and private medical consultancies that you can check here.

RAID-CRC: retail price 95 €. If you wish to include an online visit to comment on the results and receive a personalized assessment by a gastroenterologist from our medical panel, the final price is 195€.

RAID-Dx: retail price 100 €. If you wish to include an online visit to comment on the results and receive a personalized assessment:

  1. By a gastroenterologist from our medical panel, the final price is 200€.
  2. By a nutritionist from our medical panel, the final price is 160€.

TestUrGut: retail price 180 €. If you wish to include an online visit to comment on the results and receive a personalized assessment:

  1. By a gastroenterologist from our medical panel, the final price is 280€.
  2. By a nutritionist from our medical panel, the final price is 240€.

Yes. You have to choose the specialist who will interpret the results and provide the posterior personalized assessment. You can choose from our medical panel, either if you opt for a face-to-face or online visit, or else propose another of your trust. In the second case, we will contact your specialist and provide the training to interpret the results.

2. Collect the fecal sample

Inside the kit, there are the following elements: a collection tube with a small spoon to collect the sample, a paper strip with instructions that will be placed in the toilet bowl to collect the sample, a nitrile glove to hold the tube hygienically, a plastic bag to store the tub, and finally, the envelope with the address of the laboratory to send the sample.

Inside the kit, you will also find the form where you have to indicate your data and the prescribers, the date of sample collection, and if you had taken antibiotics within the last month, among other parameters depending on the chosen test.

The sample introduced in the collection tube has to be from the same deposition. You should not fill the tube with different depositions over the day or from separate days.

Although it is enough with the size of a pea, we recommend filling the tube by half using the little spoon that goes along, to still have sample remaining if we have to repeat the analysis.

If you have forgotten the gloves and have touched the little spoon with the hands before collecting the sample, it could be contaminated. Get in touch with us to determine if the sample is still valid or if it is necessary to send another kit.

If you have taken antibiotics during the last month, we cannot guarantee the validity of the results. Therefore, you should wait over a month since the last taking of the antibiotic.

It has been observed that these medical procedures alter the state of the microbiota, decreasing it. To obtain representative results, it is necessary to recover the balance of your microbiota, for which we recommend waiting over at least one month since the intervention.

The take of prebiotics or probiotics is not an exclusion criterion for the analysis.

There are no other exclusion medicines.

It is exclusive, the test cannot be realized in case of pregnancy.

It is not exclusive for the TestUrGut, it can be done regardless of the surgical digestive intervention you have had. However, it is exclusive for RAID-CRC and RAID-Dx.

Since it analyses the intestinal microbiota, just oral antibiotics and those affecting the intestinal microbiota are exclusive.

It is of utmost importance to use the collection tube from the kit to guarantee the sample viability according to the analytical protocols defined by GoodGut SL.

In the product definition, we have considered the Bristol scale (different levels of consistency) and it has been determined that it is indifferent and does not affect the results.

Yes. It is necessary to use this paper to ensure that the sample does not get contaminated with the WC water or with external bacteria that could affect the results.

In no case try to pick the sample from inside the WC. Request another kit.

Menstruation does not alter the analysis results, but we recommend not to collect it during this period to avoid possible contaminations of the sample.

3. Conservación y envío de muestra

Dado que las muestras no tienen que estar refrigeradas, puedes guardar el sobre con la muestra en un lugar fresco y seco sin iluminación directa.

La muestra debe enviarse a temperatura ambiente.

La empresa de mensajería GLS es la responsable del envío de las muestras. Para hacerlo, tendrás que llamar al teléfono indicado en el formulario del interior del kit o al 972 17 00 19 y solicitar la recogida para el día siguiente máximo.

Este servicio no tiene ningún coste adicional.

Es imprescindible recibir la muestra antes de 48 h desde su toma, según las horas que tenga la muestra puedes valorar si el envío debe ser urgente.

Se ha establecido que las muestras se envíen únicamente de lunes a miércoles, para evitar retrasos de envío para el fin de semana.

4. Results reception and interpretation

Recibirás los resultados por correo electrónico en el plazo de 1 semana desde la fecha de recepción de la muestra en el laboratorio, a excepción del TestUrGut que tiene un plazo de entrega máximo de 2 semanas.

Los resultados de TestUrGut se presentan como un panel compuesto por 15 marcadores microbianos indicativos de disbiosis intestinal. Por otro lado, los resultados de RAID-Dx y RAID-CRC incluyen, además del diagnóstico, información cuantitativa sobre los marcadores analizados. Para la interpretación de estos valores se recomienda acudir a un especialista asesorado en la interpretación de estos resultados y experto en el ámbito de enfermedades digestivas por tal obtener un tratamiento personalizado, ya sea establecer unas pautas alimentarias y/o si es necesario pautar alguna medicación. En el Cuadro de especialistas, puedes ver los profesionales asesorados para esta interpretación.

En caso de haber indicado un especialista con antelación en el formulario de análisis o vía email, tu especialista recibirá los resultados por correo electrónico en los siguientes plazos a partir de la fecha de recepción de muestra:

  • RAID-CRC: 1 semana
  • RAID-Dx: 1 semana
  • TestUrGut: 2 semanas

En el momento de solicitar la visita con el especialista debes asegurarte que haya transcurrido como mínimo el periodo establecido.

Cuando compras uno de nuestros test, tus datos personales son tratados con confidencialidad y con la única finalidad de llevar a cabo el análisis de la muestra y enviar los resultados obtenidos.

Una vez envíes la muestra, se identifica con un código para garantizar el anonimato de los datos en el procesamiento del análisis.

Si tienes dudas sobre el tratamiento de tus datos puedes consultar nuestra Política de privacidad o enviar un email a

Debido a las festividades del 25 de diciembre, el 1 y el 6 de enero, en esas 2 semanas sólo se recibirán muestras los lunes 23 y 30 de diciembre, el martes 7 y el miércoles 8 de enero.

Are you a healthcare or laboratory professional?

You are accessing the website, aimed at disseminating technical information on the diagnosis of digestive diseases.

The information contained on this page is intended exclusively for healthcare and/or laboratory professionals with the ability to diagnose digestive diseases and/or analyse the microbiota, which a specialized training is required for its correct interpretation. If you are not a qualified healthcare and/or laboratory professional, GoodGut is not responsible for any prejudice you may suffer from decisions based on the content of this page or any of its links. The information provided to serves to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/visitor of this website and their physician.