26th United European Gastroenterology Week

The 26th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEG Week), the largest and most prestigious meeting of its kind in Europe, will be held in Vienna from 20 to 24 October 2018. UEG Week has been running since 1992, in a variety of major cities, and now attracts up to 16,000 people from 111 countries. Five intensive days of scientific advances, updates and getting together of practitioners, top scientists and everyone invested in digestive health. Dr Antoni Castells, Medical Director of the Hospital Clínic, co-coordinator of the Barcelona’s Colorectal Cancer Screening Program and Medical Advisor of GoodGut, will present the RAID-CRC non-invasive test in the «Best of UEG». GoodGut team will be at the poster sessions:
  • RAID-CRC: A novel non-invasive tool for colorectal cancer screening based on bacterial signatures capable of reducing the faecal immunochemical test false-positive. Marta Malagón, Spain; Ramió-Pujol S.; Serrano M.; Serra-Pagès M.; Amoedo J.; Oliver L.; Bahí A.; Mas-de-Xaxars T.; Torrealba L.; Gilabert P.; Miquel-Cusachs O.; García-Nimo L.; Saló J.; Guardiola J.; Piñol V.; Cubiella J.; Castells A.; Aldeguer X.; Garcia-Gil J.
  • RAID-LS: A non-invasive tool based on a faecal bacterial signature for Lynch syndrome surveillance. Marta Malagón, Spain; Ramió-Pujol S.; Serrano M.; Serra-Pagès M.; Amoedo J.; Oliver L.; Bahí A.; Guardiola J.; Navarro M.; Piñol V.; Pineda M.; Capellà G.; Castells A.; Garcia-Gil J.; Aldeguer X.; Brunet J.
Date: 20-24 October, 2018 Place: Vienna (Austria) More information

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